
Tube Headphone Amp Project Update

Just a quick follow up entry to the Tube Headphone Amp project. I've received updates that my PCB's are back from the fabricator and are being processed. Specifically they are cutting down the master board into the individual orders and hopefully mine will be shipping out soon. I'm really rather excited about the project. Between getting married and this project, 2012 will end out with a hell of a bang for me. Just to specify, I did yes mention my fondness of marriage and this electronics project together. Picture this, your holding a 40 foot ladder and placing those two things on the ladder I can assure my fiancee, should you make it over to reading this post, the marriage is well up at 40 feet. My amp is probably rung number 4.

Anyways check back often. The second the boards come in, I'm assembling and hopefully remembering to take pictures.

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