
Basic.........Basic...Basic..Power Supply

Got a few spare parts lying around, yeah me too. So I was playing around in Multi-sim, which is the coolest software ever, and came up with this slimmed down power supply. It will give you 13.7 volts DC from wall outlet/mains. It's not a perfectly clean circuit, with a clean sine, but if your running something real basic and not very sensitive it's prefect! I use it for cooling fans for various things.

Like I said and as you can see(blue wave on the oscilloscope) the final DC isn't a perfectly flat wave but it's real close for lights or fans or other non-sensitive gear. I wouldn't put a radio on this supply. But with parts or maybe if you have to go to Radio Shack it costs somewhere between free and 15 bucks.


First Post...

So I'm a relativity new ham radio operator. My callsign is KK4EQM. I'm active on 2 meter and 70cm and I would be active on 6 meters but eastern north Carolina is basically silent down in the 50 mhz area.

I've got an ICOM mobile rig in my truck, dual bander, that my dad gave me (KA4HOT) and a  Yaesu VX-8DR, a handy talky, that I picked yup. I also am very active on EchoLink and have an APRS becon APP on my Droid cell phone. My HT can do APRS but I haven't been able to buy the GPS unit for it  yet. I really like my Yaesu HT! It works 6m, 2m and 70 cm. According to the booklet it will do 1.25m, 220 mhz I think, with an output of 1 watt but I don't think I've ever tried it.

I also am a big fan of building antennas. I've built a few dipoles and an awesome ground plane antenna out of nothing but a SO-239 connector and some 14 gauge copper wire. Works great at 16 feet on my painters pole mast!

For now I've gone on enough, but check back often as I hope to write as I continue to learn. My next step is to get my general.